Thursday, November 27, 2014

Mesopotamia - Buildings

This selection of photos is intended to be one of several around themes of photos taken at Mesopotamia. Others will follow shortly.

One of the miost inmportant buildings on any station is the woolshed.

The 6 stand woolshed on Mesopotamia

Shearing stands, 3 each side

Bag shed

Redundant outhouse

Woolshed window
Under the woolshed by the tally pens the cobweb encrusted window caught my eye. Look carefully at the small buildings through the top right pane. Found them? In the next photo you can their reflections when I went around the other side of the window.

Reflections. Looking through the centre and out the other side of the pens under the woolshed. Old buildings behind me.

The small cookhouse has seen better days.

The long drop. Looks like it hasn't survived the nor'wester.

Old sheds

The woolshed

The stables

The woodshed
Fencing supplies featured in this shed.

The stables
More photos of the landscape, machinery and miscellaneous items.

Return to my main blog on my Mesopotamia photographic trip.

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