Tuesday, March 17, 2015

NZ Pipe Band Championships Day 2

Day 2 started with the street parade through central Nelson. This lasted for 2.5 hours. During the afternoon the grade 1 and 2 bands battles it out before the displays and finally the march past of bands and the massed bands finale prior to the awarding of trophies to the winners.

(Day 1)

This selection of photos follows the Mackenzie band on this day.

NZ Pipe Band Championships Day 1

About a year ago I offered to drive the Mackenzie Highland Pipe Band to Nelson for the Royal New Zealand Pipe Band Championships. These were held over 2 days, Friday 13 March 2015 and Saturday 14 March. 

After an 11 hours trip on the Thursday we arrived at our camp and it wasn't long until the pipes and drums were being warmed up prior to dinner.

An 05:00 wake up saw the band being the first to arrive at the venue to set up, tune up and practice the SET pieces and Medley events.

The following photos follow the Mackenzie band's preparation for the SET and Medley.

Fine tuning.

Last minute uniform adjustments before the start of the competition.

Pipe Major blowing hard.

Entering the board for the Medley

Medley competition

All ready for the official photo after the medley

Practice for the street march the next day.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Jacks Point

We recently visited the Jacks Point area to the south of Timaru with the local photographic club. The following is a selection of photos taken here.

Jacks Point lighthouse

Looking north towards Timaru

Variable oyster catcher