Sunday, December 15, 2019

Top 10 Birds

Below is selection of some nice bird photos I've taken in the 18 months in sanctuaries in New Zealand and one in Queensland.

Curlew - Haliday Bay, Queensland

Bellbird, (Korimako) - White Heron sanctuary, Whataroa

Yellowhead, (Mohua), Ulva Island

North Island Robin - Kapiti Island

Red Billed Gull - Ulva Island

Red-crowned Kakariki - Ulva Island

Royal Spoonbill - White Heron sanctuary, Whataroa

Saddleback  - Ulva Island

White Heron (Kotuku) - White Heron sanctuary, Whataroa

Yellow-crowned Kakariki - Ulva Island
More can be found about trip to then West Coast, Ulva Island, Somes Island and around South Canterbury.

Birds and animals from safaris in Tanzania, Africa can be found here.

Your comments below would be appreciated.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

A day out

A recent trip with the Timaru Camera  Club saw us at the Otipua Wetland to start. We moved onto towards the Wainono lagoon and ended up at Waimate. 

The following is a selection of photos taken on the trip.

Blackbacked gull with hints of black swans in the background.

Common copper butterflies

Canadian geese

Gaggle of geese

Pied stilt
Blackbacked gulls and chicks

Royal spoonbill
Getting up close.

On the way to Wainono lagoon
On the way back from Wainono Lagoon

Waimate was our last stop of the day to see the recently painted silos.

Big Norm.
Norman Kirk was Prime Minister of New Zealand and died in office on 1974.