Friday, July 27, 2018

Lunar Eclipse 28 July 2018

I was up early this morning in the hope of catching the total eclipse off the moon. This promised to be the longest of the 21st Century. Wikipedia has some great diagrams and explanations of the eclipse.

In New Zealand because the eclipse occurred at sunrise it was possible to see the moon and the sun at the same time. This rare event is called a selenelion eclipse. 

Diagram at

The following are some of the shots I took, on the terrace over the river from Pleasant Point.

The full moon before the eclipse began.
The beginning

A little later
The next sequence show the moon in the same frame several minutes apart.

Sequence created from 0647 hrs.

Sequence created from 0656 hrs.

Unfortunately there was cloud about and at the critical moment the moon disappeared into cloud not to be seen again from South Canterbury, New Zealand. 

Sequence created from 0703 hrs.
Another eclipse was captured when I was in Abu Dhabi. Click here.

Fortunately clouds in the east promised a good sunrise so it was off to a high point overlooking the coast, inland from Timaru at Hadlow Corner.

Some compensation for not seeing the moon in total eclipse. There will be more eclipses though!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Mt Cook 2018

A selection of photos taken on two recent trips to Mt Cook.

14th July.

The road leads to the Mt Cook village. 

Mt Sefton.
This particular trip was with the Focus Aorangi club primarily to the Tasman lake. The dramatic effects of global warming can easily be seen here. This lake did not exist 50 years when my first trip to Mt. Cook occurred back in 1967. The Tasman Glacier's terminal face then was near where the next photo was taken!

Group photo by the Tasman lake

First glimpse of the lake outlet.

The terminal face of the glacier is about 2 km from here now and getting further away as it retreats. 

The mini icebergs get blown down from the terminal face
by strong nor'west winds.
Flying pieces of ice made some interesting splashes.


Mt Cook with terminal moraine in the foreground.
Late in the afternoon we went around to the Hooker Valley. There wasn't much time left in the day to go too far. Next time we will go straight to the Hooker and get as far at least as the second bridge to get closer the Mt Cook.

First swing bridge over the Hooker River.

Mt Sefton

Back lighting of Sefton

The obligatory photo of Mt Cook from near The Hermitage.
The next two photos were taken from the same place on the way home but show the effects of changing in-camera settings.

Sunset over Lake Pukaki

Farewell to Mt Cook.

27th June:

An earlier visit was to do some work at Unwin Lodge where the following were taken.

Unwin Lodge

Tasman Valley

Mt Sefton late in the afternoon.