Friday, July 15, 2016

Close ups.

Here is as selection I took at an evening with the local photographic club in Timaru, Focus Aorangi.

All photos here were taken with a 15 - 85 mm lens and apart from cropping, very little processing has been done.

Simple set up with mirrors and some side lighting.

A layer of glass beads lit from below.

Oil droplets floating on water in a glass.
Pencils in a cylinder filled with lemonade. Side lit against a white background.

The next shot shows at the set up with an array of water droplets on some cling wrap.

Cropping in on the shot above shows how the droplets act as small lenses.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Timaru at night

A few shots here of Timaru at night taken around the central city area. Following these are some taken on the visit to the well kept Timaru Cemetery.

The Herald Paper Boy

Some action in the Arcade

State Highway 1 from the Church St over bridge.

To get this shot one needed to experiment to find not only the best exposure (20s, f/22 at ISO 100) but to get the right light trails. Too many cars coming towards me burnt out the oncoming lane. This shot was timed perfectly as 2 milk tankers and 2 heavy truck and trailer units travelled north in convoy. There was not much traffic about on this damp night as it took nearly 45 minutes to get everything right for this shot.

A little bit of post production processing to bring up the dark areas on both sides of the road was needed. A few drops of mist on the lens adds effect too. The diamond effect of the street lights is made by using an aperture of f/22.

Timaru Cemetery.

The object of the visit was to experiment with light painting and anything else we found interesting. A tripod and remote release being essential items of kit.

My first effort at light painting. A few seconds with the torch have added to the figure on the cross, perhaps a little uneven though. 

No extra light here. Converted to monochrome.

Painted with my torch.

Side lit.

Light painted angel.

Cherub. My favourite shot, just a hint of colour shows up here in the side light. The background here was very dark and no "Photoshopping" either.