Saturday, April 19, 2014

Macro 2

Another trip down to the local domain and golf course saw a few more mushrooms which caught my attention.
Although not taken with a macro lens, my EF 70-300 mm  f/4-5.6 L IS USM lens did a good job with the following close ups.
Emerging mushroom
Shot details: f/7.1, ISO-200, 1/160s at 260mm

Another one, later on
Shot details: f/7.1, ISO-200, 1/200s at 260mm
This shot shows the powerful forces of nature which allow fungi to push their way up through the ground. (Weeds left growing in cracks between slabs of concrete can eventually break it up.)

Square crop taken lying flat of the ground with the camera at ground level
Shot details: f/7.1, ISO-200, 1/200s at 176mm

Another ground level shot of a group underneath some tress in the light.

This cropped image of the group above has been included to show what a great lens the EF 70-300mm is. It is my favourite lens when on safari and has shot many animals and birds on safaris in Tanzania.

Moving on I found a few other species of mushrooms which were worthy of lying down on the ground again.
Shot details: f/7.1, ISO-200, 1/200s at 200mm
Shot details: f/9  ISO-800, 1/80s at 85 mm
This is a close crop of a rather small mushroom when I was as close to it as possible

Shot details: f/9, ISO-800, 1/60 at 85mm

Disturbed mushroom.
Shot details: f/9 ISO-800, 1/60s at 85 mm
Who needs a macro lens for take these sorts of photos?