Friday, May 17, 2013

About Nanjing - Fuzi Miao

Our last Nanjing trip started off at the southern gate of Zhonghuamen along the back streets towards Fuzi Miao. In the time that we have been in Nanjing a lot of the older parts have been demolished and rebuilt in an older style. Some restoration is evident too.

A common sight in China

Restored canal side properties

Mobile shop

Canal scene as evening approaches

Canal boats from the Sculpting in Time cafe 

Canal side entertainers

The heart of Fuzi Miao

The famous Dragon Wall

Return to main blog.

About Nanjing 3

This is the third of my present series of photos taken around Nanjing.
These were taken at the weekend when we went down to the Nanjing Museum of the History of the Ming City Wall at the side of Xuanwu Lake. 

Purple Mountain from the Nanjing City Wall.
Mud brick with inscription by the worker who made it.
Thousands of bricks in the wall have writing on them.
Some of the mud bricks show signs that the makers used stencils
to mark their handywork.

Nanjing skyline
- taken on one of the best days weather wise and clear sky days we've had.

This temple overlooks the main Dragon boat course on Xuanwu Lake

Xuanwu Lake

Purple Mountain and Xuanwu Lake from the wall
Zhonghuamen at the other side of the city.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

About Nanjing 2

These photos ware all taken around Xuanwu Lake on a nice warm sunny Sunday afternoon. Unfortunately no blue sky though. The red maples at this time of year are most spectacular, especially with the sun filtering through them.

The Intercontinental Hotel rises above the city wall.

Notes posted in the hope of attracting a member of the opposite sex!

Nanjing Railway Station


About Nanjing 1

This is a collection of some photos taken around Nanjing at the beginning of summer. In most of photos there is no blue sky. The atmosphere here is very rarely clear and a blue sky not often seen. However I've tried to show you some of the attractions that Nanjing has to offer.
I will let the photos do the talking.

These photos were taken around Mochouhu Lake.

The Lady of Mochouhu Lake